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Revival Soy Doctor Q&A's
Name: Lee

Hello Dr. Tabor,

I am not sure if this is the right place to ask, but given it's a menopause site I thought it might help. I was just curious when do women as well as men begin producing estrogen- is it since birth? Also the same goes for Testosterone, in both men as well as women-from the day of birth or later on? I read that testosterone ceases a few weeks after birth then begins again during puberty. If you can clarify this for me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your time.

Thank you for contacting me about #1 Doctor-recommended Revival Soy protein supplement. Our mission is to help others live a life they love with good nutrition, education and medical research.
Of course, please discuss the information supplied in this email with your physician.

Our expertise is in the area of soy so it is best to consult your physician with questions related to hormones. There are many possible benefits of using Revival Soy including weight loss, energy, menopausal relief, PMS relief, hair/skin/nail health, cholesterol reduction and many other areas. For a full discussion of soy’s benefits, along with medical research references you can visit

Please let me know if I can help further.
Best Regards,
Aaron Tabor, MD

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* Read Dr. Tabor's last guest transcript

* Revival is a dietary supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Revival is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information presented on our web site is not intended to take the place of your personal physician's advice.

Please consult a physician before using if you are pregnant or nursing,taking medication or suffer from chronic disease.

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